External and Internal Markets for Managers
Job Market Paper, 2024 [paper] [slides]
Job Market Paper, 2024 [paper] [slides]
Gabriel Toledo, Fernando Lopes, Ă‚ngelo Mendes, Working Paper, 2024 [paper] [slides]
Abstract We develop a model of search in OTC markets with asymmetric information and trade occurring under double-sided uncertainty over asset quality, where holding the asset does not necessarily translate into knowing its quality. This leads to deterioration of market information conditions over subsequent trades, causing both sellers and buyers to become more pessimistic even though aggregate asset quality remains unchanged. If re-trade opportunities are frequent, information in the economy becomes coarser, hindering market liquidity and volume of trade.
Gabriel Toledo, Daniel Monte, Working Paper, 2024 [paper]
Abstract How should information be transmitted to the next generation in the aftermath of a conflict? We propose a dynamic model where two groups engage in an infinite sequence of conflict games with evolving costs, observed only when there are conflicts. Without communication, conflict persists endlessly. Optimal communication by informed leaders generates peace cycles and balances the important trade-off between how likely peace will be versus how long it will last. This balance depends crucially on the baseline environment’s stability. In highly unstable environments, optimal communication mimics static Bayesian persuasion games. Conversely, in stable environments, optimal communication implies only slight distortions in conveying history.